Three twitter posts about The Trevor Project Campaign

Why did I chose to show homeless children in my ad? Well, the answer is rather simple. It makes a strong impact on the viewer. The target audience is rather broad. I want both LGBTQ+ people to see the add and to think that they can get help and that they are not alone.

Since writing my own story for the project was unnessisary, I used the lyrics from “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” as the foundation for this illustration project. 

Three twitter posts about The Trevor Project Campaign
Facebook Ad for The Trevor Project
Billboard Ad for Trevor Project


Advertisements are commonplace in every aspect of design. Even art that is meant to speak for itself needs to be advertised so that people know it exists. Still, it is always good to design advertisements for a good cause. In this case, I chose “The Trevor Project.” This is an LGBTQ+ Youth help organization that spreads awareness of sexual and gender issues.