Dain Winter Cover


three messy books on a bed

Dain Winter is a book that is being written by my twin Gen Glinski. This is in part a favor and in part an opportunity to practice my illustration and type organizaion skills. In this project, I had my twin write the cover summary. Gen Glinski, the author, is a young adult who grew up interested in fantasy. They grew up on Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and other fantasy stories.

 As a non-binary individual, lack of representation of themselves in media made them ponder how they can represent minorities in a fantasy setting, and these books show extensive thought as to why representation is important: even in fantasy literature. 

Dain looks out the window at birds
Dain Winter stares at a swan
Dain studies at his desk

Book 1 Summary:

​Dain Winter, a neurodivergent wizard, struggles between choosing the path his strict family and its legacy wants him to and making his own way in this new world, all the while learning how to interact with other people, which is a forgein concept to him. He makes plenty of mistakes. Read to find out if he learns from them or he lets it spiral out of control in this unfamiliar environment.

Book 2 Summary:

​In school, marriage, family life, friendships… It is not easy to confront your mistakes. At least not for someone like Dain, a neurodivergent wizard, who is doing his best to situate into his chosen path. But something is still wrong, despite making the choices he thought he had to. In fact, things are worse for him than ever, having won the praise from some and the scorn from others. Can he cope or will he learn to change and try another path.

Book 3 Summary:

​It is one thing to say you will change and another to do it and fail and do it again and again. Making friends is one thing, keeping things up and supporting your friends in their own times of need is another thing entirely. Especially when you aren’t sure that you know how to. Dain, for one, struggles with this and with a war going on all around him, it is hard for anyone to cope with the atrocities happening every day.


Dain Winter

In an incredibly complex world full of morally grey areas, we can find metaphor ors for our mDorality. With the internet, people have been exposed to more and more grey areas of the world. Dain is an important character, arguably, because he is immoral, but he shows how a person can grow. I hope everyone finds it withing themselves to grow and change the way the protagonist does. The world would become a lot better of a place. Especially since most people are already exposed to some of the moral dillemas Dain Winter faces at school. While a few of the sculptures were denser- such as “Weirdo,” “Inside,” and”Lined Rock.” “Mother and Child,” “Void,” and “Creature” were longer and more open forms. This really helped promote the connection between objects and the way they were linked by internal desires and knowledge of space.